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Tree & Shrub FAQ’s


How often should I water my trees or shrubs?

It depends on when it was planted and the time of year.


What is the best time to plant trees and shrubs?

In the South, you can plant anytime. Planting in late spring or summer requires daily watering while planting in late winter, early spring, or fall needs less frequent watering.


When do I cut back my Crape Myrtle tree?

We like to cut them back in late February or early March. This way spring is just around the corner, and they will start to push out new growth within a few weeks.


When is a good, fast-growing shade tree for this area?

The Drake Elm, River Birch, and the Summer Red Maple. If planted, watered, and fertilized properly they can grow 3-6 feet a year.


What kind of plant(s) can I use for neighbor defense?

We love the Green Giant Arborvitae and the Sweet Viburnum. Both are evergreen and fast-growing to help give you privacy quickly and year-round.


When should I prune my (azaleas, camellias, hydrangeas, etc.)

Hydrangeas: Prune based on type—late winter or early spring for those that bloom on new wood; after flowering for those that bloom on old wood.

Azaleas: Prune right after they bloom, in late spring or early summer.

Camellias: Prune after blooming, in late winter to early spring.

Proper timing helps ensure healthy growth and a good bloom cycle for these plants.


Can I plant my citrus in the yard?

We do not recommend planting lemon, lime, grapefruit, or orange citrus in your yard. Even though we are in the south it gets too cold here to plant them in the ground. You can plant satsuma and cumquats in the ground without having to worry too much about them.


What are chill hours?

Chill hours refer to the amount of time fruit trees need to be exposed to cold temperatures, typically between 32°F and 45°F (0°C to 7°C), during their dormant period (fall and winter). This cold exposure is essential for many fruit trees to break dormancy and trigger proper flowering and fruit production in the spring.

Different fruit tree varieties have specific chill hour requirements, and planting a tree in a region where it won't receive enough chill hours can lead to poor fruit development. Common fruits that need chill hours include apples, peaches, plums, and pears. We only carry fruiting trees that have a minimum number of chill hours. 


What is the brown/black spots on my roses, hydrangeas, and Japanese magnolias?

Is caused by a fungus, common in our humid climate. To prevent this, spray them with fungicide once a month during spring and summer.


When is the best time to fertilize my trees and shrubs?

We recommend fertilizing in the spring to avoid promoting new growth too early, which could freeze. This timing encourages healthy growth for the growing and fruiting season. However, our year-release fertilizer can be applied anytime.


How do I change the color of my hydrangeas?

To Make Hydrangeas Blue: Lower the soil pH by adding aluminum sulfate and using acidic mulch.


To Make Hydrangeas Pink: Raise the soil pH by adding lime and avoiding aluminum.


Remember not all hydrangeas change colors, only mophead and shade hydrangeas change color with a PH change.


When should I prune my roses? The Rose Society recommends pruning roses back on February 14th, yup Valentine's Day! It’s an easy-to-remember date. But the wonderful thing about roses is you’re able to really prune them back anytime and they just flush out more beautifully after!

What are some low-maintenance evergreen shrubs? Indian Hawthorne, dwarf yaupon holly, boxwoods, pittosporum, dwarf podocarpus, oleander, dwarf procumbens nana, vintage jade distylium, dwarf olive,  


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