I've got the worst kept secret in the world . . . I love music, lots.
I love all kinds. Rock, Rap, Taylor Swift's new album, all of it!
Anyway, if you've been by the nursery lately you've seen our little construction project going on in the showroom. My employees have started calling it "JD's music room".
JD's Music Room - 4 weeks ago
Anyway, I am not the most creative person, but I do work with creative people like Bob and Emily. So one day Emily says, "JD, we should really try to keep all your records better air conditioned in this hot weather". To which I respond, "OK, let's make a super neat room that is climate controlled, will give people a nice place to shop for records, and show them what they can do with houseplants in their home."
And then this happened . . .
JD's Music / House Plant / Relaxation Station! I love this so much! I come in every morning, search through the records, find something random and turn it on. Makes me so happy. It definitely brings my blood pressure down a notch. So come see us, have a seat, spin a record, and see what you can do with houseplants in your home. I promise you'll love it!
Happy Gardening,
JD Boone
Tips for you!
Speaking of talented people, we are so happy to have Ashley on our team. She has started creating some great videos for you guys. She answers some of your questions and gives you tips on how to make your plants happy and healthy. We've just started, but hope to add one or two instructional videos a week. They will be on our website. You can check them out by clicking the link below.
If you have a suggestion for a video you would like to see, send Ashley and email!